Functional Technical Description of the Superfilment™ System

Stage 1: Pallet Distribution
1. All fulfillment active product SKUs are received on trailers on a just-in-time basis. With an average window of 20 hours between pallet exchanges it will be possible to combine many product SKU’s from an individual product supplier.

Stage 2: Tote Staging, Tote Robot Loading

Stage 3: Corrugated Packaging Removal and Pallet Retrieval

Stage 4: Case Packing and Package Preparation

Stage 5: Delivery Route Distribution and Van Loading

Superfilment™ Center
As outlined in the Simulation and narrative there are no technological barriers to executing a fully Autonomous Supermarket Online Fulfillment System. The following video makes a sales pitch for the Superfilment™ Program:
Fully functional Superfilment™ as outlined are estimated to have the ability to effectively provide a large metropolitan city fulfill over 1,000,000 online orders per week. This extraordinary Fulfillment achievement would be delivered consistently with less than 1,700 fulltime delivery contractors, less than 50 FC Operators, less than 20 machine and building maintenance personnel and less than 30 IT and administrative personnel in a 24/7 operation. All of the Superfilment™ technology and machinery presented in the Superfilment™ Model described herein is technology that is being currently being used in one form or another in various Fulfillment operations throughout the world. All components outlined in the Superfilment™ Model are used throughout many industries and are proven to be effective and reliable in performing the automated tasks described in the model. There is on technology employed here that is not already developed, proven and effective. The only thing that is unique about the Superfilment™ Model in this Prospectus is how the Model is assembled and integrated. The Lights-Out Fulfillment Center Model will not only revolutionize Fulfillment Center operations but it will revolutionize the Retail Industry as we know it today. The Superfilment™ is the world’s one and only “No Touch” Fulfillment Distribution system. At no point in a Superfilment™ will a human being ever need to touch any of the 2,000 to 4,000 products being distributed. The Superfilment™ Model will never replace Amazon’s wildly successful “The Everything Store” model with a 1 million SKUs. However as the Superfilment™ Model will provide same day delivery of the world’s 10,000 – 20,000 of most widely used daily necessities of life. The Covid-19 crisis will only advance the ultimate need for the successful implementation of the Superfilment™ Model. The estimated Capital Cost associated with a full Scale Superfilment™ full scale production model is outlined in Exhibit 7.
The following video simulation outlines the various features of Superfilment™ video: